The Upper Cervical Spine

The two bones at the top of the neck make up the Upper Cervical Spine, the Atlas (C1) and the Axis (C2). The most moveable area of the spine and also an area through which much of your nervous system must pass, it is crucial to correct the many subluxations that occur here.

Nerves passing through here supply very large areas of the body as well as your brain, head, and face. Subluxations here can result in headaches, facial palsy, sinus trouble, allergies, fatigue, crossed eyes, and dizziness as well as an alteration to a large variety of body functions.

The Vagus nerves also pass through this area. This pair of very large, important nerves can be seriously affected by upper cervical subluxations, resulting in alteration of the parasympathetic nervous system function.
Vagus nerves control the function of many of the organs in your chest (including the heart, lungs, esophagus, stomach, gallbladder, and small intestines), swallowing, and your vocal cords.

As a result of the location of the Upper Cervical Spine and the many nerves passing through it on their way to support function throughout the body, subluxations in this area are potentially very serious and should be addressed immediately.

Cervical Spine

There are seven vertebrae that make up the cervical spine, C3 through C7. Nerves passing through this area can be affected by subluxations altering the neck muscles, the shoulder, the arms, and the hands. These subluxations can result in neck pain, arm pain, numbness, stiffness, bursitis, and scores of other possible musculoskeletal problems.

Nerves originating in the Cervical Spine also control the throat, sinuses, nose, thyroid gland, lymph nodes, diaphragm, and more. Subluxation affecting this area of the spine can result in a variety of systematic and functional problems.

In order to function as intended, it is very important that the nerves passing through the Cervical Spine conduct proper signals to the organs, systems, muscles, joints, and other tissue. Otherwise, the result can be less than optimum function of the bodyÕs systems.

Just as can happen in any area of the spine, subluxation in the Cervical Spine can result in an imbalance in other areas of the spine, too. These imbalances can result in postural and functional problems throughout the body.

The Thoracic Spine

Composed of 12 vertebrae, the Thoracic Spine is the longest part of your back. It is often referred to as the middle back and each of the vertebrae has a rib attached to it.

Nerves that exit between vertebrae in the Thoracic Spine control muscles, other surface tissue, and internal organs. Surface areas of these nerves include arms from the elbow down, hands, fingers, and muscles of the middle back, the chest, and the ribcage. Subluxations here can cause pain and numbness as well as other musculoskeletal problems.

Nerves passing through the Thoracic Spine control important parts of the sympathetic nervous system including the heart, lungs, bronchial tubes, gallbladder, liver, stomach, pancreas, spleen, adrenal glands, kidneys, and small intestines. Subluxations that affect these organs are potentially very serious. Systemic problems include asthma, some problems with the heart, bronchitis, elevated or low blood pressure, ulcers, allergies, kidney trouble, and digestive problems. Often, a subluxation in the Thoracic Spine will go undetected for a long time before being noticed or treated.

The Lumbar Spine

Commonly referred to as the lower back, the Lumbar Spine is made up of five vertebrae (L1-L5) located toward the bottom of the spine. Nerves exiting through the Lumbar Spine are responsible for several vital bodily functions. The vertebrae are the largest of all and are supported by some of the strongest muscles in the body.

Very large nerves exit through the Lumbar Spine and some control the bigger muscles in the body, the lower back, thighs, legs, calves, and feet. Joints are also supplied from here. The sciatic nerve originates from this area of the spine.

Nerves exiting the Lumbar Spine are also responsible for supplying many organs and tissues including the large intestines, appendix, reproductive organs, the bladder, prostate gland and more.

Subluxations can result in quite a bit of pain in the lower back and legs. Often times Sciatic pain is a problem. Other potential problems due to subluxations include numbness in the back or legs, muscles spasms, weakness, scoliosis, and joint problems.

If organs supplied by nerves are affected by subluxation, possible symptoms include constipation, diarrhea, cramps, varicose veins, bladder problems, menstrual problems, infertility, bed-wetting, urination problems, and poor circulation.

The Sacrum and Coccyx

As a child, the sacrum is made up of five different bones that fuse into one as an adult. It forms joints with each of the hipbones and aids in the stabilization of the pelvis. Similarly, the Coccyx begins as three, four, or five bones that fuse into one when the child becomes an adult. These bones are often referred to as the tailbone or the base bone.

Nerves exiting from the Sacrum and the Coccyx connect to tissues and organs in that area. Muscles related to these nerves include the buttocks, hips and parts of the thigh and leg.

These nerves control the rectum and parts of the pelvic tissue as well as other organs and tissues. Problems resulting from subluxation in this part of the spine include sacroiliac conditions, hemorrhoids, scoliosis, and pain when sitting.